Canadian Classic Rock
Tragically Hip, April Wine, Rush, Triumph, Chilliwack and more
This Is Music: 1976
A time capsule of music released in 1976, when a 2-liter bottle of Coke set you back 69-cents!
Lost '70s
A decade's worth of tracks that FM radio has largely quit playing but we don't want you to forget...
Mellow Gold Classic Hits
A softer mix of classic hits with a '70s & '80s focus
Karla Orr's Five-Star Radio
An eclectic mix of rock, pop, and soul from Karla, who listens in Canada. This trip includes 1,00...
This Is Music: 1977
"Undercover Angels," "Dancing Queens" and the "Boogie Man" that made the music of 1977
Sized for Song
Songs about big & little -- in small medium and large.
House Blend: Magic Sunny Flashback + Mellow Gold Classic Hits + Motown Sound
An easygoing blend of vintage Pop and Soul
House Blend: Lost '70s + Beach Blanket Transistor
A custom combo inspired your old eight track tape collection
House Blend: Lost '70s + Rolling Stones Greatest Songs of the '60s & '70s
A mix of songs that sit on a pedestal with tracks buried on the floor of your closet.
The Most '70s
TONS of '70s AM radio hits for all-day variety
Class of '80: Music of 1976-80
If you graduated in 1980, here's music from your school days
Class of '79: Music of 1975-79
Disco-era gems, Classic Rock & more from your school years: Donna Summer, Eagles, Manilow & ABBA
Class of '76: Music of 1972-76
Bicentennial Classic Hits, Soul, Classic Rock, and some "one hit wonder" gems
Class of '77: Music of 1973-77
You graduated with "Saturday Night Fever", Rumours, "Margaritaville," and the King's exit...
Class of '78: Music of 1974-78
Barry Manilow, "Grease", Toto, and Van Halen's debut was just some of your class music